Triton Innovation, LLC Saves the “muffins” for a Commercial Bakery
Triton Innovation, LLC.’s leading expertise in manufacturing and supplying equipment for a broad range of food handling and processing applications caught the attention of a commercial bakery. This baker was experiencing product loss due to conveyance related handling problems. The English muffins were exiting the oven and heading for packaging where clustering was preventing proper product laning for the packaging line, increasing waste. The English muffins would also fall to the floor, resulting in costly product loss.
After hearing this commercial baker’s struggles, Triton engineered a custom, FDA approved Plastic Belt Conveyor equipped with Funneling Guides, Lane Diverters, and Stainless Steel Sideguides. Funneling Guides and Lane Diverters enabled smooth, orderly product transition from clusters into 2 single file lanes and made airflow access to each English muffin possible. This improved conveyance solution organized the product for packaging and provided proper cooling before arriving to the packaging line. Finally, Stainless Steel Sideguides kept the English muffins on the conveyor and off the floor!
For additional information contact TRITON INNOVATION, LLC – P.O. Box 453, Alpena, MI 49707 | 989.358.6238
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